"I’ll keep my mouth closed and I’ll breathe through my nose." Finn, The Very Stuffy Nose children's book.

  Your Advocate for a Healthy AirwaySuper BreathingRestorative SleepHealthier Life

The Shift: The Dramatic Movement Toward Health Centered Dentistry



The Western world faces a health crisis that is reaching epidemic proportions. We see a steady increase in ill health and chronic diseases. Medical costs are skyrocketing, and physicians work in a system where their role is primarily intervention for sick people — sick care. There is a better way. We must take personal responsibility for our own health — as a community. This will require a significant paradigm shift from sick care to proactive wellness care. Who will lead this paradigm shift? Why not the dental team? The Shift: The Dramatic Movement Toward Health Centered Dentistry provides a step-by-step guide to implementing complete health through dentistry. Together, we must successfully win this battle, exchanging sickness for vitality, energy and health. You’re cordially invited to be part of the solution by reading The Shift. The Shift addresses 3 major focuses of Integrative Dental Medicine (IDM) : Oral & Systemic Infection & Inflammation, Airway & Breathing Disorders, TMJ & Dental Occlusion Disorders. Join us as we launch forward into this new era of health-centered care, and make the shift!